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Christine Palamidessi, LWN Yoga Teacher

Submitted by on January 24, 2011 – 12:59 pmNo Comment

Christine Palamidessi has been a dedicated yogini since the early 80s. She is trained in Iyengar, (alignment-inspired) yoga, and studied advanced pranayama (yogic breathing) in India. She is a registered 500-hour-certified Yoga Alliance instructor.  In 2018 she became a Certified Osteoarthritis Yoga Therapist in the Fishman Method. One Saturday a month of LWN Yoga is dedicated to the Osteoarthritis Poses ( which also improve balance, posture and strength). Christine is assisted by Matthew Bagedonow, her husband, who began studying Aikido in the 1970’s.  His teacher, Kanai Sensei, was a direct student of Morihei Ueshiba the founder of Aikido. In addition to executive, Matthew teaches Aikido at the MIT dojo.

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