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City Animals Workshop

Submitted by on May 24, 2019 – 4:33 pmNo Comment

Join Julie Croston, one of the co-curators of the City Animals exhibit in the Chandler Gallery, to help make a parade banner showing the life cycle and food web of a particular butterfly species that lives in Cambridge. Make your own butterfly parade flag.

When: June 2rd, Sunday, 1:00-3:00 PM, rain or shine
Where: 20 Sacramento Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

The banner will later be brought out and paraded along with other Cambridge Wildlife Puppetry Project puppets and costumes at Fresh Pond Day (mid-June), at the Fly, Buzz, and Honk! Festival (late July), and the Honk! Festival, and children and families can carry the small flags they make in those parades as well.

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