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Cooking With Kids

General Information
Living Well Network is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to participate in a series of inter-generational and educational cooking experiences with students in the Agassiz Baldwin Afterschool program.

Bring in a favorite recipe and an Agassiz Baldwin Afterschool teacher will spend an afternoon working with you and an enthusiastic group of ten to thirteen students to create dishes from your recipe. It’s a great way to share the joy of cooking with a younger generation.

To give you a sense of how adventurous these young cooks are, our recipes have included:

  • Falafel and vegetables in Pita
  • Sweet Potato and Zucchini/potato pancakes/latkes
  • Spinach and Poached Pear Salad with Pear dressing

Cooking with Kids was the recipient of a Cambridge Community Foundation Tufts Community Health Initiative grant in 2009.

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